The solar kettle is light and compact. It weighs just 1.2 Kg. It can be used to melt snow to make tea, coffee, soup and hot food which can seriously revive a cold and tired mountaineer. Alpine conditions of clear sunshine give ideal operating conditions regardless of the air temperature.
The Solar Kettle can be used to sterilize water thus making unknown water sources safe to drink. Beverages such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate, soup can easily be made with the solar kettle. In extreme cold climates it can be used to melt snow and pasteurize it for drinking water. In sea survival situations the solar kettle can be used for desalination, to produce distilled fresh drinking water, from seawater.
Everyday use
In the United Kingdom tea drinking is a national institution, we down an amazing 1909 cups of tea every second, 6.8 million every hour, and 165 million cups every day, according to figures from the UK Tea Council. This unsurprisingly uses up a lot of energy, a kettle uses up to 3kW of electricity. A typical 2.2kw kettle takes 100 seconds to boil. This equates to about 1.68 million kWh in electricity consumption to boil the actual water used in cups of tea. But 67% of people boil more water than is actually required for their cup of tea. If on average twice the amount of water than is required is heated, this would mean that we are wasting around 1.68 million kWh a day making our. Adding in coffee drinkers this extends to 2.33 million kWh per day or 1056 tonnes of CO2 a day from electricity use, the equivalent to about 149 000 cars, or an annual 6.36kg of CO2 per capita. This is estimated to cost a cool £91m a year.
The solar kettle can, in good conditions, negate the need for a conventional kettle. In bad conditions it can still be used to pre-heat the water (e.g. to 55-60°C) thus saving significantly on the electricity required.
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